prostheticknowledge: DRONE.2000 Tech art performance piece by Nicolas Maigret features autonomous drones which patrol and provoke the audience - video embedded below: DRONE.2000 is a performance where autonomous objects moved by simple algorithms are
prostheticknowledge: DRONE.2000 Tech art performance piece by Nicolas Maigret features autonomous drones which patrol and provoke the audience - video embedded below: DRONE.2000 is a performance where autonomous objects moved by simple algorithms are
prostheticknowledge: DRONE.2000 Tech art performance piece by Nicolas Maigret features autonomous drones which patrol and provoke the audience - video embedded below: DRONE.2000 is a performance where autonomous objects moved by simple algorithms are
prostheticknowledge: DRONE.2000 Tech art performance piece by Nicolas Maigret features autonomous drones which patrol and provoke the audience - video embedded below: DRONE.2000 is a performance where autonomous objects moved by simple algorithms are
prostheticknowledge: DRONE.2000 Tech art performance piece by Nicolas Maigret features autonomous drones which patrol and provoke the audience - video embedded below: DRONE.2000 is a performance where autonomous objects moved by simple algorithms are