theblackqueen-ofmyheart: otherwindow: Mermaid, sensing a pirate ship 5km away: don’tPirates: [lays anchor]Mermaid, with a magnetic migraine: This explains why the Bermuda Triangle’s magnetic field fucks with ships and planes and everything.
theblackqueen-ofmyheart: otherwindow: Mermaid, sensing a pirate ship 5km away: don’tPirates: [lays anchor]Mermaid, with a magnetic migraine: This explains why the Bermuda Triangle’s magnetic field fucks with ships and planes and everything.
theblackqueen-ofmyheart: otherwindow: Mermaid, sensing a pirate ship 5km away: don’tPirates: [lays anchor]Mermaid, with a magnetic migraine: This explains why the Bermuda Triangle’s magnetic field fucks with ships and planes and everything.
theblackqueen-ofmyheart: otherwindow: Mermaid, sensing a pirate ship 5km away: don’tPirates: [lays anchor]Mermaid, with a magnetic migraine: This explains why the Bermuda Triangle’s magnetic field fucks with ships and planes and everything.