marinashutup: A common comment I receive about cultural appropriation is, “Well, PoC in X country don’t find cultural appropriation offensive so why do PoC in the U.S.?” Here is my response:
marinashutup: A common comment I receive about cultural appropriation is, “Well, PoC in X country don’t find cultural appropriation offensive so why do PoC in the U.S.?” Here is my response:
marinashutup: A common comment I receive about cultural appropriation is, “Well, PoC in X country don’t find cultural appropriation offensive so why do PoC in the U.S.?” Here is my response:
marinashutup: A common comment I receive about cultural appropriation is, “Well, PoC in X country don’t find cultural appropriation offensive so why do PoC in the U.S.?” Here is my response: