dragonkun: Some sleepy boys~ Practicing my composition and maybe future prints.. Let me know if this looks good! XD I’ve never done a connecting piece like this! (I made one connected and then separate for you to view c: )
dragonkun: Some sleepy boys~ Practicing my composition and maybe future prints.. Let me know if this looks good! XD I’ve never done a connecting piece like this! (I made one connected and then separate for you to view c: )
dragonkun: Some sleepy boys~ Practicing my composition and maybe future prints.. Let me know if this looks good! XD I’ve never done a connecting piece like this! (I made one connected and then separate for you to view c: )
dragonkun: Some sleepy boys~ Practicing my composition and maybe future prints.. Let me know if this looks good! XD I’ve never done a connecting piece like this! (I made one connected and then separate for you to view c: )
dragonkun: Some sleepy boys~ Practicing my composition and maybe future prints.. Let me know if this looks good! XD I’ve never done a connecting piece like this! (I made one connected and then separate for you to view c: )
dragonkun: Some sleepy boys~ Practicing my composition and maybe future prints.. Let me know if this looks good! XD I’ve never done a connecting piece like this! (I made one connected and then separate for you to view c: )