gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.
gffa: Patroclus, alone in his room, with Achilles’ shirt between his fingers; I learned a lot of lessons in my life. Some of them more painful than the others. One of them was that no human being can be saved. Fate has a path that is unbendable.