ealdric: currentfutures: My hair cooperated today You look more like that Flynn/Finn Rider fanart that somebody made for me than I dohttp://ealdric.tumblr.com/post/123476994117/i-made-you-out-of-a-flynn-rider-screencap-because
ealdric: currentfutures: My hair cooperated today You look more like that Flynn/Finn Rider fanart that somebody made for me than I dohttp://ealdric.tumblr.com/post/123476994117/i-made-you-out-of-a-flynn-rider-screencap-because
ealdric: currentfutures: My hair cooperated today You look more like that Flynn/Finn Rider fanart that somebody made for me than I dohttp://ealdric.tumblr.com/post/123476994117/i-made-you-out-of-a-flynn-rider-screencap-because