realpowerexchange: A demonstration of why it takes a man to be a slave. No attempt to break away. No attempt to interfere with the Dom’s actions. A determination to accept the pain. A determination to please his Dom by suffering for him. And a reminder
realpowerexchange: A demonstration of why it takes a man to be a slave. No attempt to break away. No attempt to interfere with the Dom’s actions. A determination to accept the pain. A determination to please his Dom by suffering for him. And a reminder
realpowerexchange: A demonstration of why it takes a man to be a slave. No attempt to break away. No attempt to interfere with the Dom’s actions. A determination to accept the pain. A determination to please his Dom by suffering for him. And a reminder
realpowerexchange: A demonstration of why it takes a man to be a slave. No attempt to break away. No attempt to interfere with the Dom’s actions. A determination to accept the pain. A determination to please his Dom by suffering for him. And a reminder
realpowerexchange: A demonstration of why it takes a man to be a slave. No attempt to break away. No attempt to interfere with the Dom’s actions. A determination to accept the pain. A determination to please his Dom by suffering for him. And a reminder
realpowerexchange: A demonstration of why it takes a man to be a slave. No attempt to break away. No attempt to interfere with the Dom’s actions. A determination to accept the pain. A determination to please his Dom by suffering for him. And a reminder