scotallison: ‘You should see it,’ he said. 'V for Vendetta, I mean.’ 'Okay,’ I said. 'I’ll look it up.’ 'No. With me. At my house,’ he said. 'Now.’ I stopped walking. ‘I hardly know you, Augustus Waters.
scotallison: ‘You should see it,’ he said. 'V for Vendetta, I mean.’ 'Okay,’ I said. 'I’ll look it up.’ 'No. With me. At my house,’ he said. 'Now.’ I stopped walking. ‘I hardly know you, Augustus Waters.
scotallison: ‘You should see it,’ he said. 'V for Vendetta, I mean.’ 'Okay,’ I said. 'I’ll look it up.’ 'No. With me. At my house,’ he said. 'Now.’ I stopped walking. ‘I hardly know you, Augustus Waters.
scotallison: ‘You should see it,’ he said. 'V for Vendetta, I mean.’ 'Okay,’ I said. 'I’ll look it up.’ 'No. With me. At my house,’ he said. 'Now.’ I stopped walking. ‘I hardly know you, Augustus Waters.
scotallison: ‘You should see it,’ he said. 'V for Vendetta, I mean.’ 'Okay,’ I said. 'I’ll look it up.’ 'No. With me. At my house,’ he said. 'Now.’ I stopped walking. ‘I hardly know you, Augustus Waters.
scotallison: ‘You should see it,’ he said. 'V for Vendetta, I mean.’ 'Okay,’ I said. 'I’ll look it up.’ 'No. With me. At my house,’ he said. 'Now.’ I stopped walking. ‘I hardly know you, Augustus Waters.
scotallison: ‘You should see it,’ he said. 'V for Vendetta, I mean.’ 'Okay,’ I said. 'I’ll look it up.’ 'No. With me. At my house,’ he said. 'Now.’ I stopped walking. ‘I hardly know you, Augustus Waters.
scotallison: ‘You should see it,’ he said. 'V for Vendetta, I mean.’ 'Okay,’ I said. 'I’ll look it up.’ 'No. With me. At my house,’ he said. 'Now.’ I stopped walking. ‘I hardly know you, Augustus Waters.
scotallison: ‘You should see it,’ he said. 'V for Vendetta, I mean.’ 'Okay,’ I said. 'I’ll look it up.’ 'No. With me. At my house,’ he said. 'Now.’ I stopped walking. ‘I hardly know you, Augustus Waters.