glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem
glumshoe: astronomical-bagel:glumshoe: Sometimes using tumblr is likeYou walk into a cafe. You order a coffee. “No cream,” you say.The person in line next to you says, “Bad idea. Black coffee can cause acid reflux.”You shrug. “Not a problem