defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted
defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted
defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted
defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted
defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted
defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted
defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted
defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted
defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted
defectivevorta: defectivevorta: i jUST ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED YOU CAN MUTE A GOOGLE CHROME TAB BY CLICKING THE LITTLE AUDIO SYMBOL ON IT i had zero idea this was a possibility and now in the like 5 minutes since discovering it i’ve accidentally muted