naptillmorning: You think those stamina potions pay for themselves, Fledge? No, Fledge. The money for those stamina potions springs forth from the rapidly decomposing bodies of vanquished foes, Fledge. Also from grass. Grass is a goldmine, Fledge. A
naptillmorning: You think those stamina potions pay for themselves, Fledge? No, Fledge. The money for those stamina potions springs forth from the rapidly decomposing bodies of vanquished foes, Fledge. Also from grass. Grass is a goldmine, Fledge. A
naptillmorning: You think those stamina potions pay for themselves, Fledge? No, Fledge. The money for those stamina potions springs forth from the rapidly decomposing bodies of vanquished foes, Fledge. Also from grass. Grass is a goldmine, Fledge. A
naptillmorning: You think those stamina potions pay for themselves, Fledge? No, Fledge. The money for those stamina potions springs forth from the rapidly decomposing bodies of vanquished foes, Fledge. Also from grass. Grass is a goldmine, Fledge. A