thelilnan: the-hatred-machine: zetadar: Getting real tired of your bullshit Buddha. too epic “You can turn rocks into bread and water into wine, right? Suit yourself.” CAN WE JUST PAUSE AND LOOK AT JESUS’ SHIRT FOR A SECOND
thelilnan: the-hatred-machine: zetadar: Getting real tired of your bullshit Buddha. too epic “You can turn rocks into bread and water into wine, right? Suit yourself.” CAN WE JUST PAUSE AND LOOK AT JESUS’ SHIRT FOR A SECOND
thelilnan: the-hatred-machine: zetadar: Getting real tired of your bullshit Buddha. too epic “You can turn rocks into bread and water into wine, right? Suit yourself.” CAN WE JUST PAUSE AND LOOK AT JESUS’ SHIRT FOR A SECOND