lolsofunny: cheer up, tony at least it isn’t cantonese Dear Mr. Over-Night-Astro-Physicist: your final exam is an oral citation of the 92 Shi poem aka The Lion-Eating Poet in The Stone Den. HAVE FUUUUN. via lolsofunny=)
lolsofunny: cheer up, tony at least it isn’t cantonese Dear Mr. Over-Night-Astro-Physicist: your final exam is an oral citation of the 92 Shi poem aka The Lion-Eating Poet in The Stone Den. HAVE FUUUUN. via lolsofunny=)
lolsofunny: cheer up, tony at least it isn’t cantonese Dear Mr. Over-Night-Astro-Physicist: your final exam is an oral citation of the 92 Shi poem aka The Lion-Eating Poet in The Stone Den. HAVE FUUUUN. via lolsofunny=)