unexplained-events: Raining Spiders In the southern Brazilian town of Santo Antônio da Platina, hundreds of spiders can be seen hanging from telephone and power poles. The species of spider are Anelosimus eximius, which are classified as social spiders.
unexplained-events: Raining Spiders In the southern Brazilian town of Santo Antônio da Platina, hundreds of spiders can be seen hanging from telephone and power poles. The species of spider are Anelosimus eximius, which are classified as social spiders.
unexplained-events: Raining Spiders In the southern Brazilian town of Santo Antônio da Platina, hundreds of spiders can be seen hanging from telephone and power poles. The species of spider are Anelosimus eximius, which are classified as social spiders.
unexplained-events: Raining Spiders In the southern Brazilian town of Santo Antônio da Platina, hundreds of spiders can be seen hanging from telephone and power poles. The species of spider are Anelosimus eximius, which are classified as social spiders.
unexplained-events: Raining Spiders In the southern Brazilian town of Santo Antônio da Platina, hundreds of spiders can be seen hanging from telephone and power poles. The species of spider are Anelosimus eximius, which are classified as social spiders.