buchanian: oras: “he acts with his eyes” #ok i agree a 100% with that #in all roles he’s played he does so much with expressions #especially his eyes #but in TWS he wore a mask for half the movie so he had to develop a whole new acting style
buchanian: oras: “he acts with his eyes” #ok i agree a 100% with that #in all roles he’s played he does so much with expressions #especially his eyes #but in TWS he wore a mask for half the movie so he had to develop a whole new acting style
buchanian: oras: “he acts with his eyes” #ok i agree a 100% with that #in all roles he’s played he does so much with expressions #especially his eyes #but in TWS he wore a mask for half the movie so he had to develop a whole new acting style
buchanian: oras: “he acts with his eyes” #ok i agree a 100% with that #in all roles he’s played he does so much with expressions #especially his eyes #but in TWS he wore a mask for half the movie so he had to develop a whole new acting style