whatexactlyismyhoohah: I just want to point out how similar Bucky ’ s old costuming looks to this one. Like now that he can choose things for himself he still has the same tastes.
whatexactlyismyhoohah: I just want to point out how similar Bucky ’ s old costuming looks to this one. Like now that he can choose things for himself he still has the same tastes.
whatexactlyismyhoohah: I just want to point out how similar Bucky ’ s old costuming looks to this one. Like now that he can choose things for himself he still has the same tastes.
whatexactlyismyhoohah: I just want to point out how similar Bucky ’ s old costuming looks to this one. Like now that he can choose things for himself he still has the same tastes.
whatexactlyismyhoohah: I just want to point out how similar Bucky ’ s old costuming looks to this one. Like now that he can choose things for himself he still has the same tastes.