sincerelysaraahh: “Dean!” You croaked. His eyes slowly fluttered open, and laid on you. His breath hitched to the back of his throat as he stared intently at you. “Y/N?” He finally let out. Cutting the straps that held him down, you helped
sincerelysaraahh: “Dean!” You croaked. His eyes slowly fluttered open, and laid on you. His breath hitched to the back of his throat as he stared intently at you. “Y/N?” He finally let out. Cutting the straps that held him down, you helped
sincerelysaraahh: “Dean!” You croaked. His eyes slowly fluttered open, and laid on you. His breath hitched to the back of his throat as he stared intently at you. “Y/N?” He finally let out. Cutting the straps that held him down, you helped