personwhosnameyouwillnotguess: firewhiskey-and-policeboxes: nightvaleliveradio: ohperfectcarlos: nightvaleliveradio: *spits out candy* What can I say, Cecil. You must be made of Florine, Iodine, and Neon, because you are FINe. I surrender.
personwhosnameyouwillnotguess: firewhiskey-and-policeboxes: nightvaleliveradio: ohperfectcarlos: nightvaleliveradio: *spits out candy* What can I say, Cecil. You must be made of Florine, Iodine, and Neon, because you are FINe. I surrender.
personwhosnameyouwillnotguess: firewhiskey-and-policeboxes: nightvaleliveradio: ohperfectcarlos: nightvaleliveradio: *spits out candy* What can I say, Cecil. You must be made of Florine, Iodine, and Neon, because you are FINe. I surrender.