woopsforgotadam: superlockedhogwartianinthetardis: mydarlingdean: demigodofhoolemere: the vessels of michael and lucifer, everyone tbh this is probably how michael and lucifer fought whenever they argued about something, usually about who god loves
woopsforgotadam: superlockedhogwartianinthetardis: mydarlingdean: demigodofhoolemere: the vessels of michael and lucifer, everyone tbh this is probably how michael and lucifer fought whenever they argued about something, usually about who god loves
woopsforgotadam: superlockedhogwartianinthetardis: mydarlingdean: demigodofhoolemere: the vessels of michael and lucifer, everyone tbh this is probably how michael and lucifer fought whenever they argued about something, usually about who god loves
woopsforgotadam: superlockedhogwartianinthetardis: mydarlingdean: demigodofhoolemere: the vessels of michael and lucifer, everyone tbh this is probably how michael and lucifer fought whenever they argued about something, usually about who god loves
woopsforgotadam: superlockedhogwartianinthetardis: mydarlingdean: demigodofhoolemere: the vessels of michael and lucifer, everyone tbh this is probably how michael and lucifer fought whenever they argued about something, usually about who god loves