valhallawaits: rashystreakers: Huginn + Muninn “O'er Mithgarth Hugin and Munin bothEach day set forth to fly;For Hugin I fear lest he come not home,But for Munin my care is more.” Above excerpt from the Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál Fast and light
valhallawaits: rashystreakers: Huginn + Muninn “O'er Mithgarth Hugin and Munin bothEach day set forth to fly;For Hugin I fear lest he come not home,But for Munin my care is more.” Above excerpt from the Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál Fast and light
valhallawaits: rashystreakers: Huginn + Muninn “O'er Mithgarth Hugin and Munin bothEach day set forth to fly;For Hugin I fear lest he come not home,But for Munin my care is more.” Above excerpt from the Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál Fast and light
valhallawaits: rashystreakers: Huginn + Muninn “O'er Mithgarth Hugin and Munin bothEach day set forth to fly;For Hugin I fear lest he come not home,But for Munin my care is more.” Above excerpt from the Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál Fast and light
valhallawaits: rashystreakers: Huginn + Muninn “O'er Mithgarth Hugin and Munin bothEach day set forth to fly;For Hugin I fear lest he come not home,But for Munin my care is more.” Above excerpt from the Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál Fast and light
valhallawaits: rashystreakers: Huginn + Muninn “O'er Mithgarth Hugin and Munin bothEach day set forth to fly;For Hugin I fear lest he come not home,But for Munin my care is more.” Above excerpt from the Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál Fast and light
valhallawaits: rashystreakers: Huginn + Muninn “O'er Mithgarth Hugin and Munin bothEach day set forth to fly;For Hugin I fear lest he come not home,But for Munin my care is more.” Above excerpt from the Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál Fast and light