garthknight: ChthonicIn, under or beneath the earthSubterraneanDeities or spirits of the underworldEvoking at once abundance and the graveFecundity and decay Everlasting life and eternal death. I twist and turn in my bed of stoneRough hewnGrinding
garthknight: ChthonicIn, under or beneath the earthSubterraneanDeities or spirits of the underworldEvoking at once abundance and the graveFecundity and decay Everlasting life and eternal death. I twist and turn in my bed of stoneRough hewnGrinding
garthknight: ChthonicIn, under or beneath the earthSubterraneanDeities or spirits of the underworldEvoking at once abundance and the graveFecundity and decay Everlasting life and eternal death. I twist and turn in my bed of stoneRough hewnGrinding
garthknight: ChthonicIn, under or beneath the earthSubterraneanDeities or spirits of the underworldEvoking at once abundance and the graveFecundity and decay Everlasting life and eternal death. I twist and turn in my bed of stoneRough hewnGrinding
garthknight: ChthonicIn, under or beneath the earthSubterraneanDeities or spirits of the underworldEvoking at once abundance and the graveFecundity and decay Everlasting life and eternal death. I twist and turn in my bed of stoneRough hewnGrinding