graphiteknight: After I saw the #魔女集会で会いましょう trend going around, I knew I had to draw one with Sorceress and Fighter. (I believe it translates to “Let’s meet at the witch’s gathering”, according to Maggie)
graphiteknight: After I saw the #魔女集会で会いましょう trend going around, I knew I had to draw one with Sorceress and Fighter. (I believe it translates to “Let’s meet at the witch’s gathering”, according to Maggie)
graphiteknight: After I saw the #魔女集会で会いましょう trend going around, I knew I had to draw one with Sorceress and Fighter. (I believe it translates to “Let’s meet at the witch’s gathering”, according to Maggie)
graphiteknight: After I saw the #魔女集会で会いましょう trend going around, I knew I had to draw one with Sorceress and Fighter. (I believe it translates to “Let’s meet at the witch’s gathering”, according to Maggie)
graphiteknight: After I saw the #魔女集会で会いましょう trend going around, I knew I had to draw one with Sorceress and Fighter. (I believe it translates to “Let’s meet at the witch’s gathering”, according to Maggie)