daddyskeekee: Please don’t punish littles for being a brat. Do they say something that upsets you? Say so and let them know it was a bit too hurtful. Littles are often a brat because they are in little space and they don’t always realize that their
daddyskeekee: Please don’t punish littles for being a brat. Do they say something that upsets you? Say so and let them know it was a bit too hurtful. Littles are often a brat because they are in little space and they don’t always realize that their
daddyskeekee: Please don’t punish littles for being a brat. Do they say something that upsets you? Say so and let them know it was a bit too hurtful. Littles are often a brat because they are in little space and they don’t always realize that their