embergale: He never asked about Xanelen’s orders – After all, they weren’t his business and him staying with his husband was contingent on him being on his Best Behavior. They’d ended up in Dalaran. His husband, the healer, immediately took to
embergale: He never asked about Xanelen’s orders – After all, they weren’t his business and him staying with his husband was contingent on him being on his Best Behavior. They’d ended up in Dalaran. His husband, the healer, immediately took to
embergale: He never asked about Xanelen’s orders – After all, they weren’t his business and him staying with his husband was contingent on him being on his Best Behavior. They’d ended up in Dalaran. His husband, the healer, immediately took to
embergale: He never asked about Xanelen’s orders – After all, they weren’t his business and him staying with his husband was contingent on him being on his Best Behavior. They’d ended up in Dalaran. His husband, the healer, immediately took to