1doaps: I was staring at Niall for ages like ‘what the fuck even is this gifset?’ and then I saw it and FUCK. This speaks volumes. They didn’t know they were being filmed and oh. the way louis pulls harry in by the neck and then the super possessive
1doaps: I was staring at Niall for ages like ‘what the fuck even is this gifset?’ and then I saw it and FUCK. This speaks volumes. They didn’t know they were being filmed and oh. the way louis pulls harry in by the neck and then the super possessive
1doaps: I was staring at Niall for ages like ‘what the fuck even is this gifset?’ and then I saw it and FUCK. This speaks volumes. They didn’t know they were being filmed and oh. the way louis pulls harry in by the neck and then the super possessive
1doaps: I was staring at Niall for ages like ‘what the fuck even is this gifset?’ and then I saw it and FUCK. This speaks volumes. They didn’t know they were being filmed and oh. the way louis pulls harry in by the neck and then the super possessive
1doaps: I was staring at Niall for ages like ‘what the fuck even is this gifset?’ and then I saw it and FUCK. This speaks volumes. They didn’t know they were being filmed and oh. the way louis pulls harry in by the neck and then the super possessive