fatfeministfetishist: Pics from my first ever suspension on Saturday! It felt a lot tougher than it looks… I look quite reclined and relaxed but I was hella nervous! No lasting marks, but still a little sore in places. Thanks to my delicious pal T
fatfeministfetishist: Pics from my first ever suspension on Saturday! It felt a lot tougher than it looks… I look quite reclined and relaxed but I was hella nervous! No lasting marks, but still a little sore in places. Thanks to my delicious pal T
fatfeministfetishist: Pics from my first ever suspension on Saturday! It felt a lot tougher than it looks… I look quite reclined and relaxed but I was hella nervous! No lasting marks, but still a little sore in places. Thanks to my delicious pal T
fatfeministfetishist: Pics from my first ever suspension on Saturday! It felt a lot tougher than it looks… I look quite reclined and relaxed but I was hella nervous! No lasting marks, but still a little sore in places. Thanks to my delicious pal T
fatfeministfetishist: Pics from my first ever suspension on Saturday! It felt a lot tougher than it looks… I look quite reclined and relaxed but I was hella nervous! No lasting marks, but still a little sore in places. Thanks to my delicious pal T