misadventuresofawkwardblackgirl: vinesnow: If your smoke detector could talk - Vine By Brandon Calvillo(the best vines on tumblr at VinesNow.com) my smoke detector shouts, “FIRE FIRE” and scares the ever living shit out of me every time dad cooks
misadventuresofawkwardblackgirl: vinesnow: If your smoke detector could talk - Vine By Brandon Calvillo(the best vines on tumblr at VinesNow.com) my smoke detector shouts, “FIRE FIRE” and scares the ever living shit out of me every time dad cooks
misadventuresofawkwardblackgirl: vinesnow: If your smoke detector could talk - Vine By Brandon Calvillo(the best vines on tumblr at VinesNow.com) my smoke detector shouts, “FIRE FIRE” and scares the ever living shit out of me every time dad cooks