fawkesvonottoman: Little Fawkesy and his first bath. Even though he looks very very sad, he was pretty well behaved. No barking or whining or splashing. We gave him treats afterward for his good behavior.
fawkesvonottoman: Little Fawkesy and his first bath. Even though he looks very very sad, he was pretty well behaved. No barking or whining or splashing. We gave him treats afterward for his good behavior.
fawkesvonottoman: Little Fawkesy and his first bath. Even though he looks very very sad, he was pretty well behaved. No barking or whining or splashing. We gave him treats afterward for his good behavior.
fawkesvonottoman: Little Fawkesy and his first bath. Even though he looks very very sad, he was pretty well behaved. No barking or whining or splashing. We gave him treats afterward for his good behavior.
fawkesvonottoman: Little Fawkesy and his first bath. Even though he looks very very sad, he was pretty well behaved. No barking or whining or splashing. We gave him treats afterward for his good behavior.
fawkesvonottoman: Little Fawkesy and his first bath. Even though he looks very very sad, he was pretty well behaved. No barking or whining or splashing. We gave him treats afterward for his good behavior.