lolsofunny: thorki-hiddlesworth: carlilemysaviour: but actually what if you were on a plane and an actor sat beside you for like a five hour flight like what does one do in that situation (lol here!)
lolsofunny: thorki-hiddlesworth: carlilemysaviour: but actually what if you were on a plane and an actor sat beside you for like a five hour flight like what does one do in that situation (lol here!)
lolsofunny: thorki-hiddlesworth: carlilemysaviour: but actually what if you were on a plane and an actor sat beside you for like a five hour flight like what does one do in that situation (lol here!)
lolsofunny: thorki-hiddlesworth: carlilemysaviour: but actually what if you were on a plane and an actor sat beside you for like a five hour flight like what does one do in that situation (lol here!)