7 horcruxes,7 books, 7 Hogwarts floors,7 Weasleys siblings, 7 positions to play quidditch, 7 Tom Riddle's memories, 7 Potters with 7 members of the Order AND 7 TEEN CHOICE AWARDS
7 horcruxes,7 books, 7 Hogwarts floors,7 Weasleys siblings, 7 positions to play quidditch, 7 Tom Riddle's memories, 7 Potters with 7 members of the Order AND 7 TEEN CHOICE AWARDS
7 horcruxes,7 books, 7 Hogwarts floors,7 Weasleys siblings, 7 positions to play quidditch, 7 Tom Riddle's memories, 7 Potters with 7 members of the Order AND 7 TEEN CHOICE AWARDS
7 horcruxes,7 books, 7 Hogwarts floors,7 Weasleys siblings, 7 positions to play quidditch, 7 Tom Riddle's memories, 7 Potters with 7 members of the Order AND 7 TEEN CHOICE AWARDS