glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: Only not-straight nineties kids will understand. That comment is the dumbest thing I’ve read today. It’s a self-aware humorous riff off a meme, sweaty. Don’t call me sweaty.
glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: Only not-straight nineties kids will understand. That comment is the dumbest thing I’ve read today. It’s a self-aware humorous riff off a meme, sweaty. Don’t call me sweaty.
glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: Only not-straight nineties kids will understand. That comment is the dumbest thing I’ve read today. It’s a self-aware humorous riff off a meme, sweaty. Don’t call me sweaty.
glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: Only not-straight nineties kids will understand. That comment is the dumbest thing I’ve read today. It’s a self-aware humorous riff off a meme, sweaty. Don’t call me sweaty.
glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: Only not-straight nineties kids will understand. That comment is the dumbest thing I’ve read today. It’s a self-aware humorous riff off a meme, sweaty. Don’t call me sweaty.
glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: codenamedutchess: glumshoe: Only not-straight nineties kids will understand. That comment is the dumbest thing I’ve read today. It’s a self-aware humorous riff off a meme, sweaty. Don’t call me sweaty.