uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as
uristmcdorf: decreasing-entropy: Anxiety: if you are not doing The Most™ then you are a giant fucking failure! go! hurry! Depression: life is pointless, just lie in bed and stare at a wall all day, we good Both:Lie in bed staring at the ceiling as