fishingboatproceeds: edwardspoonhands: rockettraccoon: Hank Green is getting drunk at the same bar I am… I take a medicine that makes me mostly unable to drink so…I was just getting /stupid/ in the same bar you were in…while sober. I can confirm
fishingboatproceeds: edwardspoonhands: rockettraccoon: Hank Green is getting drunk at the same bar I am… I take a medicine that makes me mostly unable to drink so…I was just getting /stupid/ in the same bar you were in…while sober. I can confirm
fishingboatproceeds: edwardspoonhands: rockettraccoon: Hank Green is getting drunk at the same bar I am… I take a medicine that makes me mostly unable to drink so…I was just getting /stupid/ in the same bar you were in…while sober. I can confirm