ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.
ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.
ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.
ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.
ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.
ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.
ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.
ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.
ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.
ursulatheseabitchh: Being part of an oppressed group doesn’t give you a pass to add to the oppression of other groups you are not part of. Sorry not sorry.