markscherz: rhamphotheca: 2 New Species of Helmetcrest Hummingbirds (amongst others) Recognized From South America L - Buffy Helmetcrest (Oxypogon stubelii). Endemic to Colombia, located in the central mountain range (the paramos surrounding the Parque
markscherz: rhamphotheca: 2 New Species of Helmetcrest Hummingbirds (amongst others) Recognized From South America L - Buffy Helmetcrest (Oxypogon stubelii). Endemic to Colombia, located in the central mountain range (the paramos surrounding the Parque
markscherz: rhamphotheca: 2 New Species of Helmetcrest Hummingbirds (amongst others) Recognized From South America L - Buffy Helmetcrest (Oxypogon stubelii). Endemic to Colombia, located in the central mountain range (the paramos surrounding the Parque