starkwest: In a cave with salvaged parts with no J.A.R.V.I.S. No computers. No calculators. No machines. Genius. After waking up bleeding, terrified and in agony. After invasive chest surgery that was performed with no anesthetic. After being tortured.
starkwest: In a cave with salvaged parts with no J.A.R.V.I.S. No computers. No calculators. No machines. Genius. After waking up bleeding, terrified and in agony. After invasive chest surgery that was performed with no anesthetic. After being tortured.
starkwest: In a cave with salvaged parts with no J.A.R.V.I.S. No computers. No calculators. No machines. Genius. After waking up bleeding, terrified and in agony. After invasive chest surgery that was performed with no anesthetic. After being tortured.
starkwest: In a cave with salvaged parts with no J.A.R.V.I.S. No computers. No calculators. No machines. Genius. After waking up bleeding, terrified and in agony. After invasive chest surgery that was performed with no anesthetic. After being tortured.
starkwest: In a cave with salvaged parts with no J.A.R.V.I.S. No computers. No calculators. No machines. Genius. After waking up bleeding, terrified and in agony. After invasive chest surgery that was performed with no anesthetic. After being tortured.
starkwest: In a cave with salvaged parts with no J.A.R.V.I.S. No computers. No calculators. No machines. Genius. After waking up bleeding, terrified and in agony. After invasive chest surgery that was performed with no anesthetic. After being tortured.
starkwest: In a cave with salvaged parts with no J.A.R.V.I.S. No computers. No calculators. No machines. Genius. After waking up bleeding, terrified and in agony. After invasive chest surgery that was performed with no anesthetic. After being tortured.
starkwest: In a cave with salvaged parts with no J.A.R.V.I.S. No computers. No calculators. No machines. Genius. After waking up bleeding, terrified and in agony. After invasive chest surgery that was performed with no anesthetic. After being tortured.