isdoingyoga: In theory every posture is a work in progress. Above are three that, for me, always seem to require a little more work than others to find the balance of ease and effort, and can create a mental struggle with the limitations of my body.
isdoingyoga: In theory every posture is a work in progress. Above are three that, for me, always seem to require a little more work than others to find the balance of ease and effort, and can create a mental struggle with the limitations of my body.
isdoingyoga: In theory every posture is a work in progress. Above are three that, for me, always seem to require a little more work than others to find the balance of ease and effort, and can create a mental struggle with the limitations of my body.
isdoingyoga: In theory every posture is a work in progress. Above are three that, for me, always seem to require a little more work than others to find the balance of ease and effort, and can create a mental struggle with the limitations of my body.