amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?
amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?
amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?
amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?
amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?
amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?
amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?
amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?
amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?
amberwharsh: I hate that my only options are bleed everywhere, shove cotton up there, or wear a diaper. Honestly? Millions of years of evolution and women are reduced to those choices?