kibblesundbitches: eatyourheartoutfreud: People who make fun of “attention whores” are basic as fuck Wanting attention is a human need Do you think babies cry because the noise is funny to them itS beCaUSe thEY neeD AtTENtion Classic Amanda being
kibblesundbitches: eatyourheartoutfreud: People who make fun of “attention whores” are basic as fuck Wanting attention is a human need Do you think babies cry because the noise is funny to them itS beCaUSe thEY neeD AtTENtion Classic Amanda being
kibblesundbitches: eatyourheartoutfreud: People who make fun of “attention whores” are basic as fuck Wanting attention is a human need Do you think babies cry because the noise is funny to them itS beCaUSe thEY neeD AtTENtion Classic Amanda being