wrath-of-durin: st3fn: archangeltwoone: iamoceanic: doomed-morale: xcircleofdeathx: lickystickypickyshe: Every year in June, a brave group of daredevils in the city of Alesund, Norway stack up hundreds of wood pallets to a height of over 130 feet,
wrath-of-durin: st3fn: archangeltwoone: iamoceanic: doomed-morale: xcircleofdeathx: lickystickypickyshe: Every year in June, a brave group of daredevils in the city of Alesund, Norway stack up hundreds of wood pallets to a height of over 130 feet,
wrath-of-durin: st3fn: archangeltwoone: iamoceanic: doomed-morale: xcircleofdeathx: lickystickypickyshe: Every year in June, a brave group of daredevils in the city of Alesund, Norway stack up hundreds of wood pallets to a height of over 130 feet,
wrath-of-durin: st3fn: archangeltwoone: iamoceanic: doomed-morale: xcircleofdeathx: lickystickypickyshe: Every year in June, a brave group of daredevils in the city of Alesund, Norway stack up hundreds of wood pallets to a height of over 130 feet,
wrath-of-durin: st3fn: archangeltwoone: iamoceanic: doomed-morale: xcircleofdeathx: lickystickypickyshe: Every year in June, a brave group of daredevils in the city of Alesund, Norway stack up hundreds of wood pallets to a height of over 130 feet,