amuseoffyre: deadcatwithaflamethrower: dubiousculturalartifact: can we stop giving all the credit to JJ Abrams for the cool female representation in TFA, & start giving more to the fact that six out of the eight people involved in developing the
amuseoffyre: deadcatwithaflamethrower: dubiousculturalartifact: can we stop giving all the credit to JJ Abrams for the cool female representation in TFA, & start giving more to the fact that six out of the eight people involved in developing the
amuseoffyre: deadcatwithaflamethrower: dubiousculturalartifact: can we stop giving all the credit to JJ Abrams for the cool female representation in TFA, & start giving more to the fact that six out of the eight people involved in developing the
amuseoffyre: deadcatwithaflamethrower: dubiousculturalartifact: can we stop giving all the credit to JJ Abrams for the cool female representation in TFA, & start giving more to the fact that six out of the eight people involved in developing the