iknwrite: The whole, “You couldn’t say that about Jewish/Black people and get away with it” bollocks is working my last nerve. I keep seeing it everywhere and I would like to point out that yes people can and fucking do say horrific racist and
iknwrite: The whole, “You couldn’t say that about Jewish/Black people and get away with it” bollocks is working my last nerve. I keep seeing it everywhere and I would like to point out that yes people can and fucking do say horrific racist and
iknwrite: The whole, “You couldn’t say that about Jewish/Black people and get away with it” bollocks is working my last nerve. I keep seeing it everywhere and I would like to point out that yes people can and fucking do say horrific racist and
iknwrite: The whole, “You couldn’t say that about Jewish/Black people and get away with it” bollocks is working my last nerve. I keep seeing it everywhere and I would like to point out that yes people can and fucking do say horrific racist and