macklesufficient: aintnopartylikeaskeletonparty: macklesufficient: macklesufficient: but did victor frankenstein actually have a phd no one’s answered my question i actually don’t think it’s stated anywhere the text what degree he is working
macklesufficient: aintnopartylikeaskeletonparty: macklesufficient: macklesufficient: but did victor frankenstein actually have a phd no one’s answered my question i actually don’t think it’s stated anywhere the text what degree he is working
macklesufficient: aintnopartylikeaskeletonparty: macklesufficient: macklesufficient: but did victor frankenstein actually have a phd no one’s answered my question i actually don’t think it’s stated anywhere the text what degree he is working
macklesufficient: aintnopartylikeaskeletonparty: macklesufficient: macklesufficient: but did victor frankenstein actually have a phd no one’s answered my question i actually don’t think it’s stated anywhere the text what degree he is working