severemagazinementality: One everybody would think I know almost all B-T live vids by heart now; all the moves, all the sounds, all the songs and yet every time I see a performance it mesmerizes me like the first time hahahah.
severemagazinementality: One everybody would think I know almost all B-T live vids by heart now; all the moves, all the sounds, all the songs and yet every time I see a performance it mesmerizes me like the first time hahahah.
severemagazinementality: One everybody would think I know almost all B-T live vids by heart now; all the moves, all the sounds, all the songs and yet every time I see a performance it mesmerizes me like the first time hahahah.
severemagazinementality: One everybody would think I know almost all B-T live vids by heart now; all the moves, all the sounds, all the songs and yet every time I see a performance it mesmerizes me like the first time hahahah.