mymphr: hey! it’s ok to identify as something for a long time and then stop identifying as that! it’s ok to be involved in a community for a long time but then stop identifying with that label! you’re valid and your identity is valid, sometimes
mymphr: hey! it’s ok to identify as something for a long time and then stop identifying as that! it’s ok to be involved in a community for a long time but then stop identifying with that label! you’re valid and your identity is valid, sometimes
mymphr: hey! it’s ok to identify as something for a long time and then stop identifying as that! it’s ok to be involved in a community for a long time but then stop identifying with that label! you’re valid and your identity is valid, sometimes
mymphr: hey! it’s ok to identify as something for a long time and then stop identifying as that! it’s ok to be involved in a community for a long time but then stop identifying with that label! you’re valid and your identity is valid, sometimes