experimentalmadness: And you know what. Shout out to bisexual individuals who haven’t been in any relationships yet, or have only ever been in a relationship with one gender. You don’t owe anyone any kind of explanation about your identity. You are
experimentalmadness: And you know what. Shout out to bisexual individuals who haven’t been in any relationships yet, or have only ever been in a relationship with one gender. You don’t owe anyone any kind of explanation about your identity. You are
experimentalmadness: And you know what. Shout out to bisexual individuals who haven’t been in any relationships yet, or have only ever been in a relationship with one gender. You don’t owe anyone any kind of explanation about your identity. You are
experimentalmadness: And you know what. Shout out to bisexual individuals who haven’t been in any relationships yet, or have only ever been in a relationship with one gender. You don’t owe anyone any kind of explanation about your identity. You are