transwerewolf: if you misgender someone dont pull the “im sorry im trash„ im sorry aaaa im garbage” shit stop making this about you just apologize normally and dont guilt people into coddling you by insulting yourself
transwerewolf: if you misgender someone dont pull the “im sorry im trash„ im sorry aaaa im garbage” shit stop making this about you just apologize normally and dont guilt people into coddling you by insulting yourself
transwerewolf: if you misgender someone dont pull the “im sorry im trash„ im sorry aaaa im garbage” shit stop making this about you just apologize normally and dont guilt people into coddling you by insulting yourself
transwerewolf: if you misgender someone dont pull the “im sorry im trash„ im sorry aaaa im garbage” shit stop making this about you just apologize normally and dont guilt people into coddling you by insulting yourself