x–souille–x: lemonadeleathers: idonotexistinreallife: I think I need someone to love. But I know I’m not emotionally ready for it. I wish I didn’t feel like this. Sometimes I hate myself for being fragile. The desire to be in love
x–souille–x: lemonadeleathers: idonotexistinreallife: I think I need someone to love. But I know I’m not emotionally ready for it. I wish I didn’t feel like this. Sometimes I hate myself for being fragile. The desire to be in love
x–souille–x: lemonadeleathers: idonotexistinreallife: I think I need someone to love. But I know I’m not emotionally ready for it. I wish I didn’t feel like this. Sometimes I hate myself for being fragile. The desire to be in love