kbhew: thinkintrixxter: toomanyfandomssolittletime: tHIS IS THE YEAR WOMEN FINALLY SAID “FUCK YOU” TO SEXISM YOU GO , GIRL. ‘not that you’re the genius’ I’m pretty sure she has her doctorates in neuroscience, right? Love herrrrr
kbhew: thinkintrixxter: toomanyfandomssolittletime: tHIS IS THE YEAR WOMEN FINALLY SAID “FUCK YOU” TO SEXISM YOU GO , GIRL. ‘not that you’re the genius’ I’m pretty sure she has her doctorates in neuroscience, right? Love herrrrr
kbhew: thinkintrixxter: toomanyfandomssolittletime: tHIS IS THE YEAR WOMEN FINALLY SAID “FUCK YOU” TO SEXISM YOU GO , GIRL. ‘not that you’re the genius’ I’m pretty sure she has her doctorates in neuroscience, right? Love herrrrr