drop-deaddream: inv3rtebrate replied to your post:so your post about steve’s dream was AMAZING…hashtag defend actual brooklynite steve rogers 2k15LET ME TELL EVERYONE ABOUT ACTUAL BROOKLYNITES – NAY, ACTUAL NEW YORKERS – STEVE ROGERS AND BUCKY
drop-deaddream: inv3rtebrate replied to your post:so your post about steve’s dream was AMAZING…hashtag defend actual brooklynite steve rogers 2k15LET ME TELL EVERYONE ABOUT ACTUAL BROOKLYNITES – NAY, ACTUAL NEW YORKERS – STEVE ROGERS AND BUCKY
drop-deaddream: inv3rtebrate replied to your post:so your post about steve’s dream was AMAZING…hashtag defend actual brooklynite steve rogers 2k15LET ME TELL EVERYONE ABOUT ACTUAL BROOKLYNITES – NAY, ACTUAL NEW YORKERS – STEVE ROGERS AND BUCKY